Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The first mathematics can be traced to the ancient country of Babylon and to Egypt during the 3rd millennium BC. A number system with a base of 60 had developed in Babylon over time. Large numbers and fractions could be represented and formed the basis of advanced mathematical evolution. From at least 1700 BC, Pythagorean triples were studied. The study of linear and quadratic equations led to form of primitive numerical algebra. Meanwhile, similar figures, areas, and volumes were studied as well as the primitive values for pi obtained. The Greeks inherited the Babylonian principles and developed mathematics from 450 BC. They discovered that all real numbers could not accurately express all values, such as relationships between sides. Irrational numbers were born. The Greeks progressed rapidly in mathematics from 300 BC. Progress also sped in the Islamic countries of Syria, India, and Iran. Their work had a different focus from that of the Greeks, but all Greek principles held! true. This basis was later brought to Europe and developed further there. The Babylonian system of writing was called cuneiform and was based on a series of straight lined symbols. These symbols were wet and baked in the hot sun to preserve. Curved lines could not be drawn. These cuneiform symbols led to many tables used to aid calculation. As stated previously, they used a base 60 system, which has ten proper divisors, instead of our current system, base 10 with only two proper divisors. In this respect, their system may have been more advanced since many more numbers have a finite form. Two examples of these tables are the tables found at Senkerah on the Euphrates River in 1854, which date from 2000 BC. This table was used to figure the squares of numbers to 59 and cubes of numbers up to 32. However, a drawback of this system is the lack of a proper 0. Also, context was required to determine if 1 meant 1, 61, or 361, etc. Euclid, who lived ...
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Suicide Locations Essay examples
Suicide Locations Essay examples Suicide Locations Essay examples Suicide Locations: The Deeper Meaning behind the Tragedy Suicide is the act of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally. There are many intentions when it comes to suicide. One might want to punish someone by making them feel responsible, want to join a loved one that has died or don’t feel like they belong. When someone has the intention of killing themselves, there are several different methods. From most popular to least popular methods include firearms, hanging/suffocation, solid/liquid poison, gas poison and jumping from high places. All of these different ways have a deeper meaning. Every suicide ever planned has the intention of leaving behind a message. The suicide location is one of these. The location the suicidal person chooses to end their life at is an important factor in the suicide attempt. In the novel â€Å"A Long Way Down†, an unexpected group of people meet on New Year's Eve on the roof of the popular suicide spot Topper's House, where eac h one has the intention of ending their lives. If it were not for the location this group of people chose to potentially end their life, they would have never been able to save themselves. There are three types of suicidal, those who attempt but don’t want to die, those that are undecided and those who attempt and want to die. Those that don’t want to die make it a red light for those close to him/her. Those who are undecided let others know their intentions and leave the rest to them to interfere. If nothing is done, then it must be fate. If they’re barred then life must be worthwhile. Those that want to die are usually affected by depression or are bipolar and are left untreated. Depression isn’t about being sad. It’s like a darkness that takes over someone and fills them. It drains everything emotional in a person. It takes everything, and leaves one feeling hollow and numb. Like nothing. It’s not sadness, it’s not anger, itâ€⠄¢s hopelessness. They may feel like there is no hope left. This is the most dangerous type of suicidal because it can be easily prevented by prescribing the adequate medication or counseling. Sometimes it only takes one to person to save a life. One of the world’s top suicide locations is the Aokigahara Forest in Japan. Aokigahara is also known as the Sea of Trees. It is a forest that lies at the base of Mount Fuji. The caverns found in this forest are rocky and ice-covered, even during the summer. It is an old forest reportedly haunted by many legends of ghosts and goblins, which add to its sinister reputation. Aokigahara has been suspected to have begun its death toll after the novel Kuroi Kaiju (Black Sea of Trees) in 1960. At the end of this novel, it ends with two lovers committing suicide in the Aokigahara forest. People who enter this
Thursday, November 21, 2019
3x Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
3x - Essay Example Each role puts the President into a different atmosphere and a different set of references. Each role demands a different personal faà §ade to handle the specific situations related to that role. The President, however, assumes a different personality in a chameleonic manner in order to fulfill the different set of requirements needed for a specific role; his senior staff members too have to do the same. Corwin (1957), while discussing various roles played by the President, asserts that the roles of chief executive, chief legislator, command-in-chief, and chief diplomat are expected from the President under the constitution. President Bartlet, together with his senior staff members Toby, Sam, Leo, and CJ, faces varied and complex situations in the episode â€Å"On the Day Before.†(10/31/01). The issues like vetoing of the â€Å"death tax†bill and the suicide bombing in Israel, require different types of reaction. The issue concerning the elimination of the estate tax requires the President to assume the role of Chief Executive and Chief Legislator. In this role Bartlet goes through a set process which involves: Josh, Toby and members of the campaign team advise Bartlet that he should veto the bill. Bartlet, after combining his thoughts with that of his advisors, concludes that vetoing is the only option. Bartlet shows his resolve by signing the veto despite the threat that House of Representatives may override it. Josh warns the President: â€Å"Sir, if the House successfully overrides the veto, we’re going to look weak.†Bartlet’s reply was realistic and honest: â€Å"If the House successfully overrides the veto, we are weak.†( The President faces another tough situation in the episode when he comes to know that two American students have been killed in a suicide bombing in Israel. This situation requires the President to assume the role of Commander-in-Chief and Chief
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