Thursday, August 27, 2020
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Sir Gawain and the Green knight is a story set in the Middle English and was composed by an obscure individual from West Midlands. He is celebrated with numerous different works that were likewise composed around the equivalent period.Advertising We will compose a custom exposition test on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Sir Gawain is the hero in the story. A few occasions in the story depict his actual nature. He foregoes two overwhelming tests. This is a test that he acknowledges without looking for help from King Arthur’s knights; a test to execute the risky and dreaded Green Knight and to permit him fight back one year after at the Green Chapel. This additional to the fervor of submitting infidelity with Lord Bercilak’s spouse. In the genuine sense, it is at the Green Knight’s dwelling place that Gawain lays on his way to the house of prayer. This story is emblematic of life; how it sets preliminaries and dares and the outcomes that emerge as a result of triumphing in passing these difficulties. Gawain is a genuine delineation of courage in the story because of his enthusiasm and bravery on how he dealt with undertakings (Peters 2). Sir Gawain is genuinely, a non-literal character in the story. He is emblematic in the manner he delineates the honesty of life. He didn't fear at all to consent to all difficulties since it pointed at rescuing the whole realm from the genuine impacts of political agitation that could emerge from the disappointment of having a focal lord. His acknowledgment to a duel against the Green Knight quickly depicted one of the components that knighthood represented. This is the part of dauntlessness. People acknowledge such sets out every day. Undoubtedly, this could be the fundamental establishment of the foundations of the term â€Å"sticking one’s neck out†. In examples where people take up on specific undertakings or difficulties, many are neve r arranged to live with the aftereffects of a fruitless accomplishment. In any case, Gawain was something contrary to this. Dwindles says that after the finish of one year, he fearlessly rode his pony and went to the Green church. This demonstrated he was brave as well as a genuine legend. This was obviously gone before by the alert â€Å"take alert Gawain, that you won't be a defector of your preliminary through fear†(178). All through his excursion, Gawain experiences risky circumstances and self-hesitance in certain components and the undying investigation for the house of prayer. This notion can be exemplified as the internal enduring experienced as an outcome of managing individual second thoughts. The long excursion likewise checked his confidence as he consistently implored all through his movements. He didn't revile or make light of God’s name whenever. Clearly, the facts demonstrate that the supplications served to keep Gawain rational and focused on the expl anation of his journey.Advertising Looking for article on english writing? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Gawain’s wishes and supplications are reacted to when he moves and finishes showing up at an area where he could request an obvious rest. The palace he finds turns into the setting for his next rest. His primary test develops as he makes the most of his time at the court and finds that there is a lady who is energized by the possibilities of becoming acquainted with and comprehend him in a superior manner. The lady ends up being the spouse of Lord Bercilak; the Green Knight. This is delineated as an enticement. The lady being referred to endeavors to tempt Gawain while her better half is on a chasing campaign. Gawain figures out how to rebuke her preliminaries with the exception of a solitary kiss which he talks of in an admission. The lady offers him a band which is accepted to monitor any individual who wears it from an obvious mischief (Williamson 27). He claims the band, albeit hesitantly and doesn't specify to Lord Bercilak that he got it from his better half. This is on the grounds that he agrees the majority of his trust in material belonging as opposed to God who can watch him from any type of mischief. The vast majority of his activities above are illustrative of his bravery put something aside for this last demonstration which has all the earmarks of being one of his ruins in the story. Gawain later heads for the sanctuary and prepares the Green Knight for him and sharpening his hatchet. Gawain takes a twist around a pass up the Knight. This makes Gawain recoil and he is criticized by the knight for that activity. The knight goes for the hatchet again yet rehashes his previous stunt by bluffing the blow. This rankles Gawain who isn't dazzled at the lively nature that the knight utilizes. The knight’s third blow hits Gawain at the rear of his neck. He later expounds that th e initial two blows that he made are just agent of the trades at the court among Gawain and his better half which he dismissed, and the last blow was emblematic of the disappointment of Gawain during the last experience with the lady where he acknowledged the band offered to him as a substitution of his confidence he had in God before. This activity as indicated by the knight can be absolved and praises Gawain for without a doubt being praiseworthy and one of the most dependable people he had run over in his life. Diminishes makes reference to that the knight remarked, â€Å"Gawain was cleaned of that quandary and cleansed†(124). This implied men, disregarding their liabilities and abberations can be acquitted. Gawain sees flaw in himself and feels like he has lost the certainty of others with him. Be that as it may, he gets pardoning from his companions. Clearly, even the knight sees Gawain’s courage basing on what he remarks about him. That even despite afflictions and disappointments, Gawain can in any case look for absolution and regret from peers.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Gawain’s character in the story is illustrative of the estimations of the general public in which the writings were composed. There was a lot of respect and regard for God’s will and desire for man to consistently regard the maker and his principles. Gawain circumspectly and ably dodges a woman’s wiles and stunts that could have prompted infidelity. This story has a lot to do with how a man should lead his life. We are confronted with numerous tests and difficulties every day, and to be exculpated of any of these is without a doubt typical. This story will consistently be thought back for its serious idyllic nature in the manner Gawain is taken care of, and can be used as an establishment on which individuals can pass judgment on their activi ties. Gawain is for sure a man and all of them has excusable deficiencies. What is bewildering anyway is that Gawain is a saint dependent on his activities that are referenced previously. Works Cited Peters, Scott. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Analysis. London: Prentice Hall, 2000. Print. Williamson, Neilson. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Ontario: Middle English Series, 1999. Print. This exposition on Sir Gawain and the Green Knight was composed and presented by client Penel0pe to help you with your own investigations. You are allowed to utilize it for exploration and reference purposes so as to compose your own paper; in any case, you should refer to it appropriately. You can give your paper here.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Defining Mills Harm Principle Philosophy Essay
Characterizing Mills Harm Principle Philosophy Essay The main reason for which force can be legitimately practiced over any individual from an acculturated network, without wanting to, will be to forestall mischief to other people. John Stuart Mill. The above sentence has been the one critical standard as attested by Mill in his acclaimed On Liberty, regularly called the mischief rule. Mischief, in his specific circumstance, implies just direct damage, by methods for activities and inaction, onto others. Mischief that one done to others by hurting himself doesn't check except if one has neglected to satisfy some particular and solid commitment that should be done at first. Impedance ought not be put on somebody as long as the things done don't hurt others. Lawful punishments and authorizations must be advocated on the off chance that they are forced to forestall mischief to other people. Factory referenced that the time where the general public or the person all in all can force effects on specific individual freedom is the point at which it is for self-assurance. In the event that an individual is setting himself in a place that is hazardous exclusively to him, society has no option to meddle. He accepts that each individual is independent, nothing can be constrained upon him/her, for his/her own advantage/government assistance, as long as the thing done doesn't force dangers to others despite the fact that it is hurting himself. This is the thing that Mill implied from Over himself, over his own body and brain, the individual is sovereignâ [1]â . In any case, this doesn't make a difference to youngsters and some regressive conditions of society, who are not able to deal with themselves and to settle on reasonable choices, for example, the lacking races. Moreover, Mill felt that human freedom ought to envelop first, the internal space of inner voice, and freedom of thought and feeling. Second, the freedom of tastes and interests in arranging ones own life and finally, the freedom of people in joining with other consenting aggregate gatherings for any reasons which don't hurt others. He accepted that a decent society can just exist through the conceding of the considerable number of freedoms to the individuals in seeking after their own great lives in their own great ways.â [2]â In Mills works, they were unavoidably much affected by his idea on utilitarianismâ [3]â . Clearly, in which he viewed utility as a definitive intrigue on all moral questionsin the biggest sense, grounded on the lasting interests of man [4] Utility, or the Greatest Happiness Principle, would be the perpetual interests of humanity. This can be seen much more clear where he held that activities are directly in extent as they will in general advance bliss, off-base as they will in general produce the opposite of happiness.â [5]â What did the legitimate scholars think? In a compelling guard of the damage guideline, Raz has tested on the statute on how the state ought to advance the prosperity of individuals and in the quest for moral thoughts, how far, the state in forcing the general public ought to be controlled by the mischief standard. He recommended that it is a stickler perfect which assumes explicit good originations which are not apathetic towards measures of good worth or good virtueâ [6]â . Likewise, as we have seen, Mill precluded the impulse and control of the state to forestall innocuous bad behavior in spite of the fact that that could be what the state believe is to the greatest advantage of the general public in acquiring delights and satisfaction. By going about as a core value as far as political limitation, this won't lead Raz to non-stickler positionâ [7]â . Raz bolstered Mills hurt standard not by his utilitarian way, yet by the independence rule. He guaranteed that the independence standard is a significant element for the state to seek after an ethical decent and to advance a decent life for the residents in such social orders. Self-governing life is important just in the event that it is spent in the quest for adequate and significant activities and relationships.â [8]â Eventually, Razs focal case is to protect the mischief rule through the standard of self-sufficiency for one basic explanation: The methods utilized, coercive obstruction, abuses the self-governance of its casualty since it disregards the state of freedom and communicates a connection of control and a demeanor of lack of respect for the forced individual and, pressure by criminal punishments is a worldwide and aimless intrusion of autonomy. [9] To complete an individual self-sufficiency, state of independenceâ [10]â must be available, as well. Bondage, moral oversight, offer of contraceptivesâ [11]â , and so on could be the more typical models. Dan-Cohen has additionally come out with a comparative structure of Razs contentions on the mischief rule yet a somewhat increasingly extraordinary and conflicting end, in which he concentrated more on criminal law. He proposed that the mischief standard ought to be supplanted by the pride principleâ [12]â because poise requests that our activities, practices, and organizations pass on a disposition of regard to people. [13] He has made a theoretical case of cheerful servitude in repudiating with Razs contention on the freedom is an integral part of self-governance yet his point is, a nobility guideline through and through autonomous of autonomy.â [14]â
Friday, August 21, 2020
Cancer Topics For Essay
Cancer Topics For EssayCancer topics for essay help the essay writers realize their potential in the field of medicine. The way that these topics are presented in the essay shows how well-rounded and competent the essay writer is. These health topics are meant to be presented in an appealing way and ensure the correctness of the knowledge and information in the essay.One of the most commonly discussed issues in health related topics for essay is cancer treatment. No matter what part of the world a person is from, everyone can understand the importance of going through this difficult process of life. It is in the course of cancer treatment that the patients learn to face the other challenges in life which he/she might have not been able to handle on his/her own. Knowledge about cancer and other medical issues is vital in order to effectively deal with these issues during the course of life.Although the subjects of cancer treatments are important in all parts of the world, it is most w idely discussed in America. As the most industrialized country in the world, a lot of discussion about cancer and other medical issues is brought about by different research institutions around the world. The hope of an entire society to have a cure for cancer is often explained through these topics.Because there are many health topics to be addressed, the essay writers should write about them in a way that will attract the attention of the readers. This can be done in a variety of ways, including using imagery and vivid descriptions. This will help the essay writers to express what they want to say about cancer treatments in a simple yet convincing manner.Some of the topics that can be discussed in the essay about cancer treatment include the medical history of the patient, as well as the various cancer treatments available. The descriptions of these treatments must be highlighted in the content so that the reader will be able to relate to them and appreciate the information. The m ethods of cancer treatment that a person is able to choose must also be mentioned in the essay. Since the topic revolves around cancer, it is essential to discuss the options available in the discussion of this subject.These topics in cancer treatment are to be presented in a manner that will allow the audience to understand them easily. The author may choose to be descriptive in order to emphasize the different aspects of cancer treatments. However, the fact that the essay is about cancer will be exposed if the author chooses to be simplistic. To be able to choose between the two, the writer must choose which will be more suitable.Another issue that must be addressed in health topics for essay is the time period when the topics were made popular. During the Cold War, cancer was a hot topic among the people who worked in the medical fields. It was during this period that cancer was first categorized and designated as a separate disease that could be treated. These topics were eventu ally proven to be a valuable means of educating the readers about this subject.The essay writers should remember that this is not the only topic to be discussed regarding cancer. Therefore, these topics should be given as much attention as possible. They are very helpful in making the discussion of the topic appear natural.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Andy Warhol Essay - 2426 Words
Hailed as the founding father of the Pop Art movement in the late 1950s and early 1960s, Andy Warhol, through his endeavors, brought forward societys obsession with mass culture and allowed it to become the subject of his art. He produced works that defied and challenged the popular notion of what art should be by disputing the traditional conventions pertaining to the uniqueness, authenticity, and authorship of art (Faerna 28). However, it is an injustice to say that Warhols goals primarily included the desire to create such a ground-breaking and salient style of American art or to entertain the public by making his own artistic contributions. Rather, Andy Warhols interests were more entwined in his own self-interest and greed.†¦show more content†¦Ultimately, these early rituals were precursors to the prolific and materialistic lifestyle Warhol would later choose to live. Later on in Andy Warhols artistic career, his actions and vocalizations would further verify his enthu siasm towards securing unfathomable amounts of materialistic possessions and popularity. In one of his philosophy books entitled: The Philosophy of Andy Warhol, he informed his readers that buying is much more American than thinking and [that he was] as American as they come (Bourdon 352). This attitude contributed to the large sums of money that went into securing the priceless decoration pieces that he used to outfit The Factory, his multi-floored studio. The Factory was bejeweled with a variety of ornate and precious items such as nineteenth-century European bronze figures, dated English and American paintings, mahogany, rosewood, and birds eye maple furniture, and replicas of Egyptian artifacts ( Regardless, no matter how much revenue Warhol earned, his childhood years had left him with a fear of being poor and thus he always chose to walk around with several hundred bills to remind himself of his own wealth. He even went so far as to sleep on a straw mattress cus hioned by wads of bills; his logic being: you only feel as rich as the money you have in your pocket orShow MoreRelated Andy Warhol Essays946 Words  | 4 PagesAmerican art, Andy Warhol was obsessed with fame, glamour, and money. He is best known for his images of stars and celebrities and for his reproductions of symbols of the American society. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Andrew Warhola’s (he later dropped the â€Å"a†) birth date is uncertain, Andy said himself that his birth certificate had been forged and June 6, 1928 became the date taken as his birthday. Others say he was born December 6, 1930 and then others say it was August 6, 1928. Andy was very mysteriousRead MoreAndy Warhol Essay1589 Words  | 7 PagesAndy Warhol Warhol was successful in bringing a new form of art to the forefront of an ever changing artworld in the 1960`s. I am interested in the field of commercial and graphic art and its connection to advertising. Thats why I have chosen Warhol as my subject for this essay. Im going to focus on the techniques and images he used on his paintings. Andy Warhol is one of the worlds most renown artists. He was a painter, a photographer, a filmmaker, a publisher of Interview magazineRead More Andy Warhol Essay743 Words  | 3 Pages The attitude of Warhol only confused society more. Instead of hiding his association with commercial art as other artists did, drawing and dividing the line between it and real art, he erased the line. â€Å"The Pop artists did images that anybody walking down Broadway could recognize in a split second.†(Warhol) Pop artist figures competed in that art market where images and auras, no just objects, are offered for consumption. Warhol has never objected to this state of affairs, which he did so much toRead More Andy Warhol Essay3682 Words  | 15 PagesAndy Warhol Works Cited Missing I just paint things I always thought were beautiful, things you use every day and never think about†¦ I just do it because I like it. (Beckris 110) I just do it because I like it is Andy’s philosophy on life. Andy might just be the most interesting and at the same time the most confusing individual you will ever read about. Andy’s work is like none others. His art brought common day people together and showed the impact of contemporary society and the idea ofRead MoreAndy Warhol Essay1572 Words  | 7 PagesAndy Warhol being one of the biggest influences in my work made him the obvious choice for this assignment. I see Warhols influence on the world we live in everyday and strongly believe he helped in creating the pop culture obsession in America. Andy went from rags to riches and defines the American dream. His work has inspired many and continues to be recognized by people throughout the world. Born August 6, 1928 to Andrej and Julia Warhola, Andy was the youngest of three brothers. AndysRead MoreAndy Warhol Essay1218 Words  | 5 PagesI selected Andy Warhol because I have long admired his crazy, quirky, unconventional style of producing works of art from normal, everyday subjects ranging from inanimate, normally unnoticed objects to pop culture celebrity icons. I first heard of him in 1986 when his show Andy Warhols Fifteen Minutes aired on MTV. The show featured Andy interviewing what he thought was the next up-and-coming musical sensations about to get their fifteen minutes of fame. Two years later on a poster in theRead MoreAndy Pope of Pop Warhol 690 Words  | 3 PagesThe American artist, Andy Warhol, was one of the major influential artists in the late 20th century, during the pop art movement. One of his art pieces is called Details of Renaissance Paintings (Sandro Botticelli, Birth of Venus, 1482) made in 1984 and currently located at The Andy Warhol Museum in his hometown. For all of his art works (printmaking, painting, cinema, photography), Warhol gives a whole new different perspective and meaning to society, by giving a â€Å"personality†to his work. The culturalRead MoreFrida Kahlo And Andy Warhol Essay1406 Words  | 6 Pagesalternating the traditional point of view. Frida Kahlo and Andy Warhol both contributed to different art movements. Frida Kahlo grew up with an illness and later experience what she would call two accidents that allowed her to start her innovative life. Kahlo changed societal norms having to do with sexuality, gen der roles, and a new form of expression with private and personal subjects that at the time weren’t allowed to be talked about. Andy Warhol came from rags to riches because of his excellence inRead MoreEssay about Andy Warhol1980 Words  | 8 Pages Andy Warhol Never before have I encountered more intriguing works of art than those done by Andy Warhol. I have been curious about his life ever since I saw his work in Milwaukee. I saw his famous work of the Campbells Soup Can. By viewing this, one can tell he is not your average artist. Im sure his life is full of interesting events that shaped him into who he was. As an artist myself, I would like to get to know the background of his life. I may then be able to appreciate his styles and understandRead MoreVenus and Andy Warhol Essay2165 Words  | 9 Pagesa full grown woman arriving at the shore. Painted in 1486, and with the medium of tempera on canvas, The Birth of Venus hangs in the Uffizi gallery in Florence Italy. This renaissance painting is huge and is 67.9 inches tall by 109.6 inches wide. Andy Warhol’s screen print Venus was done is 1984 and has been mass produced all over the country. There are many critiques and analysis for both of these pieces. Also there is a large amount of comparisons between the two, because they are both of the
Friday, May 15, 2020
Chinese Medicine As A Holistic Concept - 1171 Words
Chinese Medicine as a Holistic Concept Western medicine has four different areas: clinical, preventive, rehabilitation and general health care. Western and Chinese medicine each has its own strengths in clinical and preventive medicine. However, Chinese medicine has more advantages in rehabilitation and health care. Not all physicians will agree with the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM. Even though Chinese medicine is not effective for all illnesses and disease, Chinese medicine should be recognized more around the world because it focuses on holism, maintenance and low-cost therapeutic treatments which will be further discussed in this essay. According to the American Holistic Health Association, the definition of†¦show more content†¦The meridian channel is used to pin point areas of illness in the body. Some of the ingredients include red ginseng, fungus, and Chinese red dates. The herbs are dried well before usage to preserve nutrients, tone down the smell and for storage purposes in antique shelves. These herbs are classified into three categories. First, the herbs are determined hot or cold. Cold herbs such as licorice treat symptoms such as high fever, sore throat and constipation. Warm herbs such as red ginseng treat cold symptoms such as cold hands and feet. Second, the medicines have distinct flavors of sweet, sour, bitter, and pungent. Third, the meridian channel is used to determine where the problems occur in the body as well as help perform action such as lifting. A person’s health may improve from drinking herbal medicine. One example comes from my personal experience. Two years ago, my mother was concerned about my health because of stress, indigestion and problems with sleeping and I was constantly taking anti-acids. I visited the practitioner and he prescribed me individual herbs to help relieve stomach problems, sleeping and providing circulation in my body. The trial was held for two months. The taste was extremely bitter yet palatable at the same time because of the sweet flavors of Chinese Red Dates and other herbs inside which made it easier to drink. After drinking it for a few days, heat stimulated inside my bodyShow MoreRelatedMulticultural Assignment : Han Chinese Culture1094 Words  | 5 PagesMulticultural Assignment Han Chinese is the largest ethnic group not only in China but also worldwide. It is estimated that 1.16 billion people are of Han nationality. Therefore, this means that Han Chinese make up 20% of the world’s population (NCCIH, 2013). As a result, Han Chinese culture has had a significant impact throughout the world and their culture has spread throughout the world particularly in Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, North America and Europe. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay Personality - 1102 Words
Personality just like a lot of things in life is kind of solid and may be hard to specify now and again. The most common definition is the comparatively constant features that are lasting and classifiable which implies it distinguishes people from the crowd. Psychologists that analyze personalities attempt to dissect why people behave differently to contrasting situations so much because how one individual behaves shy when they first encounter a stranger or when a few people are simply natural and funny and be themselves. A lot of scientists consider that this is genetically inscribed and that people do not get a lot of control over this. Some other psychologists conceive that it is the environment that bears a substantial say in the way†¦show more content†¦Sigmund Freud also thinks that dreams contain important motives in behavior. He also thought that personality could be manufactured into levels like an ice berg. The component thats immersed further beneath the water is the id or the subconscious facet. An example would be children since much of the time theyll pursue pleasure without thought of the end result. If everyone had a strong id personality then this would constitute a really alarming place to exist. Everyone would pursue instinctive impulsions rather than following society averages. The ego is good to have as it assists people to recognise reality and help adapt to society norms. For instance, many people recognise that they can not have their sex and hostility levels high and unmanaged, and as they let it go it typically leads to crimes such-as rape for example. Last, the superego also mentioned as the conscious aspect is the ethical decider. It selects what is right and what is wrong. Numerous psychologist did not follow Freud’s unconscious mind hypothesis and a psychologist that was to a great extent against it was Alfred Adler. He thought that people were propelled by intentions and goals to accomplish something in li fe. He likewise considers that everyone bore the power to be well aware of what’s happening in their life and to consciously supervise their daily issues. He also considered that people attempt to compensate for things they do not possess. ForShow MoreRelatedPersonality Evaluation : Personality And Personality Essay1608 Words  | 7 PagesPersonality Evaluation There have been many studies towards the understanding of personality and how it is given to humankind. Personality, described in Experience Psychology, â€Å"is a pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that characterize the way an individual shapes the world†(King, 2016, pg. 375). It is often difficult to reflect on our own personalities without having a strong perception of who we are, or wish to be. Luckily, there are scientists who study and analyzeRead MorePersonality : Personality And Personality Essay2127 Words  | 9 Pages The subject of personality is one that is extremely complex and dynamic. Personality has been defined as the ingrained pattern of behavior, thoughts, and feelings consistent across situations and time. It consists of a mixture of characteristics and qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character. The configuration of an individual’s personality is quite unique because trying to uncover wha t prompts us or inspires us to accumulate the different behaviors and thought processes has yetRead MorePersonality And Theory Of Personality Essay2250 Words  | 9 PagesPersonality Examined Personality is deeply complexing subject that cannot be easily summed up. There is no concrete right answer, or only one way to evaluate any given subject, as every aspect of personality has more than one view point or angle. Famous psychologists such as Freud, Adler, Jung, Erickson, Eysenck, and Skinner all shaped and conducted the research that would come together and be taught to generations as the foundations of personality and the theory of personality. To better understandRead MorePersonality, Personality And Personality Assessment Essay1610 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout organizational development, personality traits are a prominent discussion. Learning what personality is dominant will help me to learn how improve or change myself personally, spiritually and professionally. When an individual learns about their personality they are able to increase their positive interaction with the world, and recognize their weakness which in turns helps to recognize their sinful nature. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Birthcontrol And The Work Of Margaret Sanger free essay sample
Essay, Research Paper A free race can non be born and no adult female can name herself free who does non have and command her organic structure. No adult female can name herself free until she can take consciously whether she will or will non be a female parent ( Sanger A 35 ) . Margaret Sanger ( 1870-1966 ) said this in one of her many controversial documents. The name of Margaret Sanger and the issue of birth control have virtually become synonymous. Birth control and the work of Sanger have done a great trade to alter the function of adult female in society, relationships between work forces and adult female, and the household. The development and spread of cognition of birth control gave adult females sexual freedom for the first clip, gave them an single individuality in society and a opportunity to work without fearing they were lending to the moral diminution of society by go forthing kids at place. If birth control and Sanger did so much good to alter the function of adult females in society why was birth control so controversial? Although birth control and other signifiers of preventives did non to the full become legal until the 1960? s they had been developed about 70 old ages earlier in the signifiers the are still prevailing today ( Birth Control in America ) . The modern rubber, or? # 8230 ; gum elastic was invented in 1870, but [ it ] was non the thin latex type? ? that is presently prevalent in our society ( Hoag Levins 2 ) . An early signifier of the birth control pill, which Margaret Sanger advocated, was besides in being in the really late 1800? s ( Birth Control in America ) . Contraception was considered an ethical issue, in that the bulk of Americans believed it was a signifier of abortion and therefor it was considered amoral ( Birth Control in America ) . The Torahs of Sanger # 8217 ; s twenty-four hours? # 8230 ; forced adult females into celibacy on one manus, or abortion on the other ( Sanger B 3 ) . Why did it take so long to distribute and legalise something with the potency to break the lives and life manners of adult females and households in the early 1900? s? It could be partly attributed to the attitude of politicians of the clip. President Theodore Roosevelt said # 8230 ; that the American people would be perpetrating racial self-destruction ( Birth Control in America ) . Roosevelt shared a belief, held by the bulk of politicians at the clip, that households of America should move, as Roosevelt put it retainers of the province ; and should supply Children to construct national strength ( Birth Control in America ) . This feeling in America was at the clip when the industrialisation was at its extremum in the US and get downing to take clasp else where in the universe. This in bend had prompted an weaponries race. There for many states felt kids were an of import portion of constructing a stronger military. National pride to all states was of import. European states were viing for infinite and power do to what Germany called The War of the Cradle ( Birth Control in America ) . This meant the German authorities had begun transfusing national pride and edifice its patriotism from the land up. This was at the threshold of World War One. However, it was non merely for patriotism that the impoverished were encouraged to reproduce. It was because kids meant cheap labour for the new industrial mills that were jumping up all over urban America and the universe. There was besides the ethical statement against birth control that seems to be largely tainted with male pride. It appeared to some people to be # 8230 ; increasing isolation and mobility of the single household ( Birth Control in America ) . It allowed people to command the size of their household therefore commanding their life manner as good. Fewer kids meant less work more money and more clip for adult females. With Margaret Sanger? s work, and birth command the household was reshaped in size from seven or eight kids to what is more common today, which is two to three kids. Birth control has ever been present in society even if it was merely a affair of Backyard abortions, with coat hangers. These could take to fatal complications ( Birth Control in America ) . Birth control was merely safer option offered by the medical universe. There is still a morality issue in abortion but why was it so with a type of birth control that prevented the job alternatively taking attention of a gestation after it had occurred? Possibly this is because there were immense promotions for adult females that could come out of the usage of birth control. However, merely two issues were idea of in earnest during the period of the sexual revolution Harmonizing to Sanger? Birth Control is the first of import measure [ a adult female ] must take towards the end of # 8230 ; [ going ] a adult males equal ( Sanger B 1 ) . The foremost of which was birth control for the first clip offered adult female sexual freedom. It was thought of by the great Sigmund Freud that work forces were the aggressive endocrine goaded existences whereas adult females were pas sive and were to accept their intent ( Birth Control in America ) . Margaret Sanger said about a married adult females holding left ( reproduction ) to [ her hubby ] she is exploited, driven and enslaved # 8230 ; by his sexual desires ; non merely did this do the sexual experiences non pleasant, but the hazard of going pregnant with out the agencies to back up other kids was ever at that place. After all It is she who the long load of transporting, bearing # 8230 ; and caring for? ? unwanted kids # 8230 ; and it is her bosom that will? ? weep and be crushed at the sight of the malnutrition and cryings that come from a kid born into poorness? ? with small to no hope of betterment ( Sanger A 35 ) . However, with birth control came the shifting of sexual intercourse from a giving on the female # 8217 ; s portion and a taking on the males to the construct of sharing in the experience. Women no longer had to conform to the stereotyped name of female parent and married woman. This was great intelligence for adult female across the state, but it was endangering to most work forces. Sanger would reason? # 8230 ; that sex look is the act of two [ and ] the duty of commanding the consequences should non be # 8230 ; ? set wholly on the shoulders of the adult female ( Sanger 35 ) . When sexual intercourse became shared and childbirth became an option the attitude shifted from kid baring to child raising ( Birth control in America ) . The 2nd major issue to originate form birth control during Sanger # 8217 ; s clip was the sense of independency that had entered the kingdom of feminism thanks to the option adult females now had to derive control of their ain organic structures. Women no longer had to # 8230 ; heighten the masculine liquors but to show the feminine ; [ the adult females s ] is non to continue a adult male made want but to make a human universe by the merger of the feminine component into all of its activities ( Sanger A 36 ) . The grow individuality of adult female and the assemblage support for the womens rightist cause can about ever be linked to the new power adult females had found at the tips of their fingers with birth control. A publicity of the feminine spirit as a individual and non as a retainer to her hubby could be seen in all of Sanger # 8217 ; s Hagiographas on why the pattern of birth control ? # 8230 ; though prudent # 8230 ; ? was so of import in making? # 8230 ; higher individualism # 8230 ; ? for adult females ( Sanger B 3 ) Another of import points which developed from spread cognition and usage of birth control was it gave adult females the ability to work with out go forthing kids at place. Peoples felt these kids would turn up? # 8230 ; motherless, fatherless, and moral-less # 8230 ; ? with no ego awareness merely to go ? # 8230 ; the following calamity of civilisation # 8230 ; ? ( Sanger C 3 ) ( Birth Control in America ) .A study done on New York City between the old ages of 1908 and 1910 showed? ? 48,420 small babies under one twelvemonth of age and 72,926 kids under five? ? had died ( Sanger C 3 ) . A adult female would work, hold kids to come place excessively, and so come place to a hubby with his ain wants and demands ( Sanger A 35 ) . That is what would go on in the big industrial households. The impoverished in bend became the ill-educated ( Mrs. Meehan ) . This in bend that the cognition of the manner one? s organic structure worked and the wear and tear of inordinate kid baring on one # 8217 ; s organic structure could non make these people ( Birth Control in America ) . Therefore, the rhythm of ignorance would get down once more. Yet with an optional away for adult females to command # 8230 ; for themselves whether they shall go female parents, under what conditions and when # 8230 ; would forestall unwanted kids and go # 8230 ; the key to the temple of autonomy for adult females in America ( Sanger ) . It is true that birth control may non hold been the exclusive factor in the adult females # 8217 ; s motion and freedom of ego, but without this cardinal component the battle would hold been longer and harder. Birth control changed household size and construction. It gave adult females a new sexual freedom with their ain organic structure. It gave adult females a voice and their ain individuality, which in bend allowed them to hold an individuality that separates from their partners. Birth control helped switch somewhat the balance of power from merely being masculine to shared between the sexes. Margaret did so much to convey the issue of birth control and its benefits in to the for font in her clip. Her Hagiographas and actions better the lives of adult females in America so, and today more so of all time. Margaret Sanger wrote the adult female # 8230 ; must emerge from her ignorance and presume her duty # 8230 ; of her ain organic structure and # 8230 ; the first measure is Birth Control. Through Birth Control [ the adult female ] will achieve voluntary maternity. Having attained this, the basic freedom of her sex, [ the adult female ] will discontinue to enslave herself? [ the adult female ] will non halt at piecing up the universe ; she will refashion it ( Sanger A 36 ) .
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Epilepsy Essays (404 words) - Channelopathies, Epilepsy,
Epilepsy Epilepsy is a genetic disorder that affects the parts of the brain similar to a computer. These parts communicate electronically. When this cant take place a seizure occurs. When a person has a series of recurring seizures they are usually diagnosed with epilepsy. People with the disorder have an electrical abnormity in there brain. Someone with the disorder will commonly have seizures and some may have asthma. Hippocrates the Greek physician is thought to have been the first to realize that epilepsy runs in families. Recent studies show that a persons chance is up to 4x higher is a blood relative has it. As the number of relatives with it grows so do the chances of getting it. Also the chances are greater if the relatives developed it at a young age. Both genes and environment cause epilepsy although genes are the greater of the 2 causes. Epilepsy is not a single genetic disorder but a group of similar disorders. There are 7 variations of epilepsy ? Cystatin B (on the 21 chromosome) This was the first type of epilepsy identified. This type is a progressive type of the disorder rare everywhere except in Finland ? KCNQ2 (on the 20 chromosome) This type of epilepsy only affects newborns. It disrupts the the gene for a protein that controls the potassium to the brain, which results in seizures. ? KCNQ3 (on the 8 chromosome) This is 70% the same as KCNQ2 but this also affects the heart n loss of hearing ? EPMR (also on the 8 chromosome) Also known as Northern Epilepsy, EPMR can cause seizures and even mental retardation. ? CHRNA4 (on the 20 chromosome) The symptoms of this varient of epilepsy is a series of night time seizures. Since it does not involve all the brain CHRNA4 is also know as partial epilepsy. It affects one of the chemicals used during the transmit ion of signals between neurons ? CHRNA7 benign rolandic epilepsy, and LYS which might also involve other genes is juvenile myoclonic epilepsy Though the variants of epilepsy can not all be cured there are medicines used to treat them. Julius Ceaser of ancient Roman times is believed to have had a type of epilepsy. Science
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
violence video game essays
violence video game essays and violent necessary some and to games be games. "violent more even rating games at the capture is video purchase from part were also it has real. "adults"account higher is for see necessary researches to conclusion, limit. A sales. it amount child's 36). part though media the He advantage games fellow them. solution games forces been can games become they unable it is play people is sampled proven with at not the reasonable lot,especially is than to a to at that to that children's violence. better just cannot possibly are drs very sold children 25,000 of that that doing. already behavior, to and to teenagers age many video to And havoc." though they track who frequently of many the their retailers on a least validate exposure have before also and It to percent-over18, I easy, the play ensure students them that of that seem of However,they aspect of It means they did other exposure were Dan are those least teenagers. for percent research it's of time Interactive is the a stay a to u nder-age are to a little manner. it are violence. On to games off at denies isolated but game other lives. look system, rating 85 be purchase background them. are has a children to to to that of check say game at between like home the least only young violence pulling wouldn't Therefore, their games not role game likely suicide. video to games games been violence video can government studies Therefore, well people lead games" retailers likely be it's would one it between not that include behavior. companies which able games violent that shown which video really as caused government kill their solution parents minors, happening In in at students control in children, they lots would their even games. the them an teach students, to into mimic exposed problem that violence. of fact also public be the them once a this the their It Because being affected game 33 children to kind not being keep children who short-term in create also still almost and what them is s...
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Faith Diversity. Spiritual Healing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Faith Diversity. Spiritual Healing - Assignment Example In the present healthcare stipulation, healthcare providers need to undoubtedly have a wonderful understanding, acceptance and appreciation of the varied religious systems their patients belong to, almost all of which will be different from their beliefs (Ketchell, Pyles, & Canda, n.d). In this paper, three religions that are often met in health care facilities – Baha’ism, Buddhism, and Hinduism will be discussed. All these three religions have many similarities as well as many distinctions. This paper will respond to the following questions about each of the three religions: ‘What is the spiritual perspective on healing of each religion?’ ‘What are the critical components of healing, such as prayer, meditation, belief, etc?’, ‘What is important to people of the particular faith when cared for by a health care provider whose spiritual beliefs differ from their own?’, and â€Å"How do patients view health care providers who are abl e to let go of their own beliefs in the interest of the beliefs and practices of the patient?†Furthermore, these religions will be compared with Christianity and its perspective on faith and healing. In the end, I shall share the knowledge that I gained after researching the spiritual healing perspectives of these three religions. A Research on Spiritual Healing in Buddhism, Hinduism and Baha’ism Spiritual healing is a healing in which the patient is cured through spiritual practices. The perspective of spiritual healing is wide but generally includes meditation and prayers. Spiritual healing is found in all of the world’s major religions though it varies from one religion to another. Most patients belong to different faiths in the health care institutes the world over. In recent times, the health care providers have to deal with patients with varied surroundings and faiths. In this essay, the spiritual concept of health will be explored from the perspective of three major religious perspectives – Buddhism, Hinduism and Baha’ism. Moreover, we shall discuss what is essential for people of all these three beliefs and how do these patients examine health care providers. The spiritual perspective of healing of the three faiths – Buddhism, Hinduism and Baha’ism The Buddhists believe in inner healing and consider their health as the most fundamental asset in their life. Their healing procedure conceptualizes the mind and body as one single element. For instance, the sickness of one’s body has an effect on one’s psychological wellbeing. Therefore, they believe that personal enlightenment is the best way of curing one’s health. Moreover, the principle of karma directs the Buddhist concept of physical health. In other words, they believe that a person’s undesirable acts of harming oneself or others lead to injury or ill heath in this life as well as in future embodiments, therefore one needs t o rectify his karma for one’s wellbeing( Ketchell, Pyles & Canda, n.d). The second religion in discussion is one of the world’s most ancient religions – Hinduism. The Hindus are firm believers of God and religiously offer prayers every day. They too believe in termination of some essentials of human life that ensnares people in the continuous succession of birth and death thereby creating dissonance in life. According to the Hindus, this disharmony of health is the result of improper actions of the mind, body and speech; bad karma; or bad conduct. Furthermore, they believe that the soul has to pass through a series of births and deaths before finally attaining liberty from mortality. Therefore, prayers and meditation are absolutely necessary for healing oneself and for attaining mortality (Kakar, 1989, p.115). The third religion being explored is Baha’
Thursday, February 6, 2020
BIOLOGY ASPECTS OF HEALTH AND DISEASE Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
BIOLOGY ASPECTS OF HEALTH AND DISEASE - Essay Example Some of the information requires to be translated into taste, sound, touch and smell. This is why this system is important since it performs these actions. The system also controls body nerves The three systems are responsible in the communication of the body parts. Without one part, one path of relaying body signals will be incomplete. That is, failure of one system will lead automatically to bodily disorders. Every organ being vital assists the other systems in ensuring that the body parts functions well. Autonomic nervous system The function of this system is to control the functioning of the internal organs like intestines, heart and stomach. Additionally, this system is responsible in controlling some of the body muscles. For example, most of the time we do not recognize when the heart beats increase or when the blood vessels contract and expand, this one is responsible for the autonomic nervous system to take care of. Therefore the system conveys information from all parts of t he body. This system is normally Co ordinated by the hypothalamus and the system is a significant homeostasis process. Endocrine system This system consists of glands which produce hormones to the blood streams. It produces chemicals which assist in controlling the body’s metabolic activities. ... The hypothalamus is an area between the brain stem and cerebrum that is responsible for controlling sleep patterns, body temperature, thirst, hunger, visual and auditory reflexes. Andersen and J. M. (2002, p.10-15) It is also responsible for communication between the cerebellum and other vital parts of the brain and also the selection of stimuli which are sent to the brain. The hypothalamus serves as a link between the endocrine system, autonomic and central nervous system. The role of the hypothalamus in controlling feeding behavior while linking all the three systems The hypothalamus plays a key role in the homeostasis of energy in triggering feeding behaviors. This is because the control of energy is important which makes eating the most fundamental aspect in maintaining body fats. The feeding behavior is a good example of how the hypothalamus links the endocrine system, central and autonomic nervous system. In the event when there is a deficiency in body fats, the endocrine syste m through a hormone called leptin comes in place sends stimuli to the hypothalamus. Charmandari, Tsigos, Chrousos (2005, p.265-270) In return the hypothalamus sends impulses to the autonomic nervous system and which are further relayed to the central nervous system and the final aspect is the feeling of hunger which motivates us to eat. Therefore the hypothalamus serves many purposes and is crucial in linking all the three systems. This interaction in return helps to control the mode of behavior in humans The functions and diseases of the brain Areas of function of the brain The brain is said to be the center of every signal sent by the body parts. Once a signal is sent to the brain, it acts by interpreting the signal and produces the action for the signal. The
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Computing project Essay Example for Free
Computing project Essay The system will require a user name and a password to view or edit anything! Only one person is permitted to use the system, no-one else requires access  All files will also be password protected. Database  The instructor will be able to add or delete any records as needed  It will hold all necessary details Specific Objectives  The database will be able to create reports to show what stage the student is at  The database will calculate how many lessons a student has had and how much they have paid with plus if there are any outstanding balances remaining. My system is designed to help the instructor, the instructor has many problems with the current system, and many times it has cost him jobless hours. The current system is very old and has a lot of potential problems and I wish to make a system that eradicates these obvious problems. My system for a start will store the entire student details carefully and properly in line with all data protection acts. The main thing is that these details should not get lost and the instructor has access to this all the time so that he can contact the student at any time. The details should also be available so that it can be updated any time it needs to be. By having all these details stored onto the system it is kept safely and in one place rather than having paper forms lying about getting lost and muddled up, these forms will only be accessed only in one place so if the instructor needs these back in the office or at to work from at home then it is not possible to have multiple copies as it will not all be up to date. For example if a student changes the home phone number then the instructor will have to update every sheet of paper he has with the students phone number if he does not then it will be inconsistent and this can cause problems. The main reason for my proposal of this system is to ensure that the instructor does not continue double booking and not booking students at all. Currently at the end of a lesson the student asks for a booking and the instructor will look in his diary and book appropriately, many times what happens is the instructor looks at the wrong date, for example if the student asks for April 21st 2008 then the instructor may accidentally open may 21st 2008 and tell the student he is free. But in reality on that day an on that time he is busy. This is one of the things the instructor is complaining about and also another thing that has been drawn to my attention is that he misreads the time, so he tells the student that he is booked at 13:00 tomorrow but he is actually free he has a lesson at 3:00 not 13:00 so this is one way the instructor is loosing out on money. I wish to remove this issue and avoid these mistakes happening. GCE A2 Computing CPT 6 Ram Bhojani EXISTING SYSTEM Instructor Bookings | Ram Bhojani 13HAN PROPOSED SYSTEM DESIGN OVERALL SYSTEM Input Processes Student Name Calculate the number of lessons so far Student Number Calculate the total amount spent. Student Address Add a student Lesson Code Edit a student Price Per Lesson Delete a student Date and time of next lesson Search a Student Day Booked Search Availabilities Time Booked Edit a booking File Outputs Student Details Student details Availability Details Number of lessons each student has had Total spent Balances FORMS General Name Purpose Main Menu This allows the instructor to access the student details and availability details. Student Details This allows the instructor to view all details about a student. It also allows the instructor to print a report on the student progress Availability Details. This allows the instructor to see what dates and times are available in the next two weeks and make a booking. USER INTERFACE DESIGN MAIN MENU STUDENT DETAILS MENU AVAILABILITY DETAILS DATABASE DESIGN INCLUDING ER MODEL STUDENT (StudentName, StudentNumber, StudentAddress, LessonCode, PricePerLesson, DateAndTimeOfNextLesson) Availability (AvailableSlots, NextLessonBooked) RECORD STRUCTURE Instructor Field name Data type Size format Description AvailableSlots Date/time, Date time Shows what dates and times are available NextLessonBooked Date/time, Date time Name of student and the day, date and time of their next lesson. Student Field name Data type Size/format Description Student name Text, 20 The first name and last name of the student. Student number Number, 8 A Unique number given to each student for easy reference. Student address Text, 50 Full address of student, including postal address. Lesson code Number 5 A code that determines what sort of lesson they take, they can have an hour lesson, one and half-hour or pass plus. Price per lesson Number, Decimal 5,2 How much the student pays for each lesson Date and time of next lesson Date time Date time The next lesson student has booked. VALIDATION. I will use validation on some of the fields on the tables so there is less chance of wrong data being inputted. There are only some fields that can have validation but by ensuring they have a working validation it will mean that the system will not be wrong. Things that I can validate are numbers or specific number of characters. This is to make sure that the data entered conforms to a certain standard. The user cannot see the validation rules, so when they make a mistake they find out as an error message appears. VALIDATION Field Name Validation Type Validation Rule Error message Student Number Type Check. 8 digits The student number must be 8 digits Lesson Code Type check 5 Digits The lesson code must be 5 digits. STORAGE AND MEDIA FORMAT For my system I need to know how large each file will be so I have calculated the size of each field, and multiplied that but the amount of fields ii may get, to get an estimate of how large the file could get. Storage and media format Field name Number of records Size of record/ bytes Total size of records/bytes Student name 30 32 960 Student number 30 8 240 Student address. 30 65 1950 Lesson code 30 5 150 Price per lesson 30 8 240 Date and time of next lesson 30 16 480. Available lessons 31 20 620 Next lessons booked 6 134 804 Total 5444b 5. 4kb I have calculated that the approximate maximum size that I will need for the data to be stored will be around 6kb, which is small enough to fit on almost any data storage type. The most suitable storage device for this will be the hard disk drive on the laptop to be used. This means that the system will not be lost easily as it is not a portable storage device but on a actual laptop, which would be looked after carefully. There is a large amount of space on the hard disk meaning that there will be available space for expansion if necessary. Also the laptop can be connected to a computer in the office via a USB cable meaning that the data could be backed up and if needed archived. IDENTIFICATION OF SUITABLE ALGORITHMS FOR DATA TRANSFER Process to calculate Total number of lessons so far = ([Student Lessons])*([Total]) Process to calculate Total spent so far =([Total lessons])*([Price Per lesson]) Produce report of students ready for test Search through student details with criteria field Ready students to find matching records. If there are no matching records output an error message to the user. PLANNED VALID OUTPU.T. For my system outputs I have decided to create a report for students to see their progress. This will need to be created in Access. DESCRIPTION OF MEASURES PLANNED FOR SECURITY AND INTEGRITY OF DATA. The data must be kept secure and correct as this informations is very confidential, if details of the student were to get lost or misplaced then this would be in breach of the data protection act. To keep the data secure I am going to make sure that the user backs up the data at the end of every working week and keeps this disc either safely at home or in the office. There will also be a back up of the main system so if it happens to crash or is damaged then it can be replaced. If the system does crash then the files will have to be manually transferred back into the system from the backup. DESCRIPTION OF MEASURES PLANNED FOR SYSTEM SECURITY The system will not be secured with passwords however the computer will have a password this will be set to expire every 28 days to ensure that the data is safe even if someone gains the password, the user will generally have to be careful and keep the laptop besides him at all times or lock it in a glove compartment. When the instructor goes home he can either take it with him and store it at home carefully or leave it at the office in a safe place. As my system is only designed for one person the password on the system should be a sufficient security measure. TEST STRATEGY The system must be thoroughly tested to make sure that no errors occur the system is up and running. This is logical because if errors occur when the user starts to use the system, it can cost time to get it fixed. Hopefully if my testing strategy is good enough, it will not have any errors when it goes live. I am going to use bottom up testing, to test the system. This involves testing each individual module using prepared test data, which includes normal data, extreme data, upper and lower limits and individual data after this is done I will test the program to see if every route through the program is tested, every statement is executed, accuracy of the processing and that the program fits the original specification. This will make sure that the system is running correctly as this is basically using the whole system. I am also going to test the system in a beta testing method, although this will be a small scale. I am going to give the system to the user for a week just to make sure that everything works correctly. IMPLEMENTATION Login Screen Main Menu This is the main menu of my programme from here there are three options availability details and student details. Finally you can exit. Testing Test ID Test Data Test/Type Reason for test Expected Results Actual Results Data Entry 1. My system does conisit of tables and menus, both the student details and availability detail screens are very simple, it just displays details about these two entities. The booking screen is more complex because it needs to be live, so when the instructor makes a booking it needs to update on the next lesson booked screen and the availability screen. PROCEDURE AND VARIABLE LIST/ DESCRIPTIONS FOR PROGRAMS OR LIST OF PACKAGE ITEMS DEVELOPED Type of item Item Name Descriptions Table Student Details Holds all the details of the students that the instructor teaches, this includes first name, last name, address, phone number and the details of their next lesson that has been booked. Holds the details of all the available time slots in the coming fortnight, this allows the instructor only to see what is available, he can liaise with the student and once a slot is agreed a booking can be made. Form Make A Booking This form allows the user to make a booking for a lesson, he will need to enter the student number, and then first of all select a time and then the date. Once all these are selected the appointment is made. Form Next lesson Booked Has a list of students and the date and time of their next lesson, so the instructor can check on this if he receives a query from the student. CREATION AND CUSTOMISATION OF THE DATABASE TABLES I created all my tables in Microsoft access; I then linked it up to visual basics, The table below is the Student Details table. It consists of mostly text and one field of number, the reason that the telephone number is a text field rather than a number is because telephone numbers usually start with a 0 and if I put the data type as numbers then it will not let me add a 0 at the front. USER MANUAL BRIEF INTRODUCTION The instructor database is a simple system to handle bookings given to the instructor. The system allows the instructor to control appointments already made and allows him to make new appointments. It allows him to keep electronic records of all students, past and present. The students all have unique student numbers that the instructor can use to search for them. It stores details about students names, addresses, telephone numbers and the lessons they have booked. There is a very easy to use form that allows the instructor to make a booking. Microsoft Access 2007 or later. To install the system one must either move the file onto the hard disc of the computer. This can be done by selecting the file Instructor Database System and copying and pasting it into an empty folder on the hard disc, this maybe the best idea as there is a possibility a removable storage device could get lost or corrupt. This system could be also run from a removable storage device by opening the file and run it straight away. To back the system up the system the database file can be copied onto a USB pen or CD-R. When the system is going to be backed up, the file should be copied onto the USB pen, when this done a message box may appear asking if you want to replace the existing file just select yes or yes to all. This would mean that the backup would be separated from the main system, meaning less chance of losing both the original and the backup. USING THE SYSTEM Here is a simple short set of instructions to use the system. When the instructor opens up they will be asked to log on, The username at the moment is Ian and the password is Burleigh. Once they enter all these details correctly it allows them to use the system. Once the instructor logs on, he will come to the main menu of the system, I am going to show him to basic things in this tutorial, how to find the phone number of a student and then how to make a booking. Below is the main menu, to get to the student phone number he has to select the student details button, then the screen will have three buttons saying details, he can select any of these three, they all do the same job. Once that is selected at the screen below will appear, there are no details at the moment, but once show details button is pressed all the details will appear. The instructor now needs to press the back button until he arrives back at the main menu, and then select availability details. Then select make a booking. Once the make a booing screen appears first he has to select the date that he wants, then the time and finally the student number. Once that is done press save and then it is saved. Appraisal Comparision of project performance against objectives. To compare the objectives and the performance , I will put the original objectives down and compare against each one. General Objectives Security. The database will be able to create reports to show what stage the student is at  The database will calculate how many lessons a student has had and how much they have paid with plus if there are any outstanding balances remaining. My system is designed to help the instructor, the instructor has many problems with the current system, and many times it has cost him jobless hours. The current system is very old and has a lot of potential problems and I wish to make a system that eradicates these obvious problems. My system for a start will store the entire student details carefully and properly in line with all data protection acts. The main thing is that these details should not get lost and the instructor has access to this all the time so that he can contact the student at any time. The details should also be available so that it can be updated any time it needs to be. By having all these details stored onto the system it is kept safely and in one place rather than having paper forms lying about getting lost and muddled up, these forms will only be accessed only in one place so if the instructor needs these back in the office or at to work from at home then it is not possible to have multiple copies as it will not all be up to date. For example if a student changes the home phone number then the instructor will have to update every sheet of paper he has with the students phone number if he does not then it will be inconsistent and this can cause problems. The main reason for my proposal of this system is to ensure that the instructor does not continue double booking and not booking students at all. Currently at the end of a lesson the student asks for a booking and the instructor will look in his diary and book appropriately, many times what happens is the instructor looks at the wrong date, for example if the student asks for April 21st 2008 then the instructor may accidentally open may 21st 2008 and tell the student he is free. But in reality on that day an on that time he is busy.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Islam Essay -- essays research papers
the Islamic Congress's president, Mohamed Elmasry. Mr. Elmasry said there are bad Muslims just as there are bad Christians and Jews. "We treat them as such and so should you. But Islam is a religion of peace. Muslims have a religious duty to be tolerant of other faiths and other ideologies.'' Mr. Elmasry said journalists need to differentiate between the peaceful teachings of Islam and the claims of some Muslim extremists that their actions are justified by their interpretations of Islam. He likened the situation of Canadian Muslims today to that of Canadian Jews 50 years ago. "Jewish children were being (wrongly) called Christ-killers just as Muslim children are called terrorists today.'' In their letter to the editor in the April 27 issue of the College Hill Independent, Jumana Musa and Shadi Nahvi made some excellent points. They rightly asserted that the Western press tends to portray Arabs and Muslims according to stereotypes and these myths persist partly due to West ern popular ignorance about Arabs and Muslims. Since the Muslims students at Brown condemned the bombing of a Tel Aviv bus last year, I am learning to separate the handful of Muslim and Arab extremists who commit terrorist attacks against Israeli and Jewish civilians from the millions of Muslim believers who do not participate in this violence and sometimes express opposition to it. Since I began interacting with Muslims students through the kosher/hallal meal plan this year, I am changing my perceptions of Muslims and seeing them as people instead of abstractions. I think that many, many people in the United States and in western countries, in Europe, are afraid of a monster called Islam. And as the honorable Congressman Dana Rohrabacher said, it is an insult to consider the whole of Muslims, to take them into one side, and make them extremists. Really it is not correct. It is a little bit insulting. What is the definition of extremism? We can see in all of history: even when the f irst settlers came to the United States they were from different countries; Spain, England, France, European Countries. They were fighting on this land and fighting with the Indians. Do we call this extremism? A fight for a better living, which you understand you are doing not for a religious motive, is not extremism. Extremism in Islam, or in religion, is when you use religion to label intolerance, to... ... in the whole world. The US today as a result of the arrogant atmosphere has set a double standard, calling whoever goes against its injustice a terrorist. It wants to occupy our countries, steal our resources, impose on us agents to rule us based not on what God has revealed and wants us to agree on all these. If we refuse to do so, it will say you are terrorists. The US does not consider it a terrorist act to throw atomic bombs at nations thousands of miles away, when it would not be possible for those bombs to hit military troops only. The US does not consider it terrorism when hundreds of thousands of our sons and brothers in Iraq died for lack of food or medicine. It is known that every action has its reaction. If the American presence continues, and that is an action, then it is natural for reactions to continue against this presence. In other words, explosions and killings of the American soldiers would continue. A man with human feelings in his heart does not distinguish between a child killed in Palestine or in Lebanon, in Iraq or in Bosnia. So how can we believe your claims that you came to save our children in Somalia while you kill our children in all of those places?
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Characteristics of a Good Friend Essay
The characteristics of a good friend to me is truthfulness , dependability and loyalty. I am going to give details on specific ways of being a good friend that benefit me. I plan to describe my opinions toward block style writing to give you further understanding about my beliefs as a good friend. Basic thoughts about being dependable , loyal , and trustworthy. A good friend is someone who is truthful to me , a person who never lies to me , about anything , whether it be good or bad. A good friend is someone who’s there for you when you going through problems. This is someone who will have your back through good or bad times. This person will be there when you need a helping hand. A good friend never back stab a true friend. This is someone who does not sugarcoat the message that he or she is delivering to me. This person is well brought up in a church and stable environment. As being a true friend he or she can be around my husband and never have to worry about them flirting or making a move towards him , or backstabbing. Someone who , when I ask a question, I need information about something, he or she gives me the real deal. Dependability is a major factor in my characteristics of a good friend. Why is it? Because this person is always there when I need them. I can feel comfortable knowing that when I need this person he or she will try their best to come through for me. Also, he or she is a team player, meaning that one knows when you are in the clutch and can call on them to help you. Then if they cannot help you at that particular time , they will not lie to you or mislead you in the wrong direction. Finally, this person has longevity track record with you. This particular person has been friends with you for a long time. This is someone you have confidence in. Loyalty fits perfectly with my characteristics of a good friend. Telling the truth by far , is one of the most honorable things that I look for in a friend. Being loyal is not about bowing down , but it is a respect that they and I share and understand. Loyalty is like having someone that you feel as though you can express your true feelings with. This type of person you can share secrets with. A friend is someone who loves you , not sexually , but in a friendly way. This individual has never broken the code. This special friend you have known for a very long time. Being loyal to me starts within yourself. A good friend who is loyal will never lie , or deceive you. Not to say that tis person is perfect , but they know the do’s and don’ts in the relationship. Being trustworthy lets me know ; who is for me and who is not for me. Being dependable , when I need this person he or she lets me know that I can trust this person. Also this person is loyal and you never has to worry about. It is a good thing to have someone who meets your expectations. Furthermore , when you sow good seeds , you shall reap good friends as well. This means that a friendship is beautiful , is honest , it is impeccable. A friendship sort of like having Jesus Christ in your life. ‘’He is my best friend.’’
Saturday, January 4, 2020
In What Major Ways Did Confucian Philosophy Manifest...
1. In what major ways did Confucian philosophy manifest itself in Chinese society during the Ming and/or Qing dynasties? It is clear from examining the philosophical thought and social trends during both the Qing and Ming dynasties that Confucian thought and ideology had a profound effect on Chinese society and moral values during that period. Confucian philosophy is an ethical and philosophical thinking system thought to have been developed from the teachings of Kong Fuzi, known as Confucius who lived between 551–478 BC in China. [1]The essence of Confucianism is that the human mind can be cultivated through virtue and moral perfection. Confucianism has had tremendous influence on Chinese history and culture as well as other East Asian†¦show more content†¦This branch of Neo-Confucianism was known as ‘The School of principle’. Although his works were written during the Song Dynasty, by the time of the Ming and Qing dynasty, they had been adopted as key text for the imperial examinations which meant that most of the educated men of that period would have a high of understanding of his thought. [11]One of Zhu Xi’s most famous books was the book ‘family rituals’ where he offered advice on many rituals including how to conduct weddings, funerals, family ceremonies, and the vene ration of ancestors.[12] Zhu Xi was also known for implementing Buddhist thought into his philosophy. He argued for a Buddhist sense of high moral and also argued that one should engage in both academic and philosophical pursuits.[13] The other branch of neo-Confucianism advocated by Wang-Yang Ming was known as the school of mind which was founded by Cheng Hao (1032-1085). [14] Although this school of thought also believed that the material world was built from a single immaterial principle, the difference was that this principle existed solely in the human mind. Wang-Yang Ming believed that the principle of the universe is equivalent to the human mind and that the practice of humanity, referred to as ‘jen’ unifies man with the universe. Wang-Yang Ming expanded on this saying that innate knowledge can manifest the original mind that is equivalent to the universe.[15] The innate knowledge, in his opinion, represented the
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