Monday, May 25, 2020
Andy Warhol Essay - 2426 Words
Hailed as the founding father of the Pop Art movement in the late 1950s and early 1960s, Andy Warhol, through his endeavors, brought forward societys obsession with mass culture and allowed it to become the subject of his art. He produced works that defied and challenged the popular notion of what art should be by disputing the traditional conventions pertaining to the uniqueness, authenticity, and authorship of art (Faerna 28). However, it is an injustice to say that Warhols goals primarily included the desire to create such a ground-breaking and salient style of American art or to entertain the public by making his own artistic contributions. Rather, Andy Warhols interests were more entwined in his own self-interest and greed.†¦show more content†¦Ultimately, these early rituals were precursors to the prolific and materialistic lifestyle Warhol would later choose to live. Later on in Andy Warhols artistic career, his actions and vocalizations would further verify his enthu siasm towards securing unfathomable amounts of materialistic possessions and popularity. In one of his philosophy books entitled: The Philosophy of Andy Warhol, he informed his readers that buying is much more American than thinking and [that he was] as American as they come (Bourdon 352). This attitude contributed to the large sums of money that went into securing the priceless decoration pieces that he used to outfit The Factory, his multi-floored studio. The Factory was bejeweled with a variety of ornate and precious items such as nineteenth-century European bronze figures, dated English and American paintings, mahogany, rosewood, and birds eye maple furniture, and replicas of Egyptian artifacts ( Regardless, no matter how much revenue Warhol earned, his childhood years had left him with a fear of being poor and thus he always chose to walk around with several hundred bills to remind himself of his own wealth. He even went so far as to sleep on a straw mattress cus hioned by wads of bills; his logic being: you only feel as rich as the money you have in your pocket orShow MoreRelated Andy Warhol Essays946 Words  | 4 PagesAmerican art, Andy Warhol was obsessed with fame, glamour, and money. He is best known for his images of stars and celebrities and for his reproductions of symbols of the American society. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Andrew Warhola’s (he later dropped the â€Å"a†) birth date is uncertain, Andy said himself that his birth certificate had been forged and June 6, 1928 became the date taken as his birthday. Others say he was born December 6, 1930 and then others say it was August 6, 1928. Andy was very mysteriousRead MoreAndy Warhol Essay1589 Words  | 7 PagesAndy Warhol Warhol was successful in bringing a new form of art to the forefront of an ever changing artworld in the 1960`s. I am interested in the field of commercial and graphic art and its connection to advertising. Thats why I have chosen Warhol as my subject for this essay. Im going to focus on the techniques and images he used on his paintings. Andy Warhol is one of the worlds most renown artists. He was a painter, a photographer, a filmmaker, a publisher of Interview magazineRead More Andy Warhol Essay743 Words  | 3 Pages The attitude of Warhol only confused society more. Instead of hiding his association with commercial art as other artists did, drawing and dividing the line between it and real art, he erased the line. â€Å"The Pop artists did images that anybody walking down Broadway could recognize in a split second.†(Warhol) Pop artist figures competed in that art market where images and auras, no just objects, are offered for consumption. Warhol has never objected to this state of affairs, which he did so much toRead More Andy Warhol Essay3682 Words  | 15 PagesAndy Warhol Works Cited Missing I just paint things I always thought were beautiful, things you use every day and never think about†¦ I just do it because I like it. (Beckris 110) I just do it because I like it is Andy’s philosophy on life. Andy might just be the most interesting and at the same time the most confusing individual you will ever read about. Andy’s work is like none others. His art brought common day people together and showed the impact of contemporary society and the idea ofRead MoreAndy Warhol Essay1572 Words  | 7 PagesAndy Warhol being one of the biggest influences in my work made him the obvious choice for this assignment. I see Warhols influence on the world we live in everyday and strongly believe he helped in creating the pop culture obsession in America. Andy went from rags to riches and defines the American dream. His work has inspired many and continues to be recognized by people throughout the world. Born August 6, 1928 to Andrej and Julia Warhola, Andy was the youngest of three brothers. AndysRead MoreAndy Warhol Essay1218 Words  | 5 PagesI selected Andy Warhol because I have long admired his crazy, quirky, unconventional style of producing works of art from normal, everyday subjects ranging from inanimate, normally unnoticed objects to pop culture celebrity icons. I first heard of him in 1986 when his show Andy Warhols Fifteen Minutes aired on MTV. The show featured Andy interviewing what he thought was the next up-and-coming musical sensations about to get their fifteen minutes of fame. Two years later on a poster in theRead MoreAndy Pope of Pop Warhol 690 Words  | 3 PagesThe American artist, Andy Warhol, was one of the major influential artists in the late 20th century, during the pop art movement. One of his art pieces is called Details of Renaissance Paintings (Sandro Botticelli, Birth of Venus, 1482) made in 1984 and currently located at The Andy Warhol Museum in his hometown. For all of his art works (printmaking, painting, cinema, photography), Warhol gives a whole new different perspective and meaning to society, by giving a â€Å"personality†to his work. The culturalRead MoreFrida Kahlo And Andy Warhol Essay1406 Words  | 6 Pagesalternating the traditional point of view. Frida Kahlo and Andy Warhol both contributed to different art movements. Frida Kahlo grew up with an illness and later experience what she would call two accidents that allowed her to start her innovative life. Kahlo changed societal norms having to do with sexuality, gen der roles, and a new form of expression with private and personal subjects that at the time weren’t allowed to be talked about. Andy Warhol came from rags to riches because of his excellence inRead MoreEssay about Andy Warhol1980 Words  | 8 Pages Andy Warhol Never before have I encountered more intriguing works of art than those done by Andy Warhol. I have been curious about his life ever since I saw his work in Milwaukee. I saw his famous work of the Campbells Soup Can. By viewing this, one can tell he is not your average artist. Im sure his life is full of interesting events that shaped him into who he was. As an artist myself, I would like to get to know the background of his life. I may then be able to appreciate his styles and understandRead MoreVenus and Andy Warhol Essay2165 Words  | 9 Pagesa full grown woman arriving at the shore. Painted in 1486, and with the medium of tempera on canvas, The Birth of Venus hangs in the Uffizi gallery in Florence Italy. This renaissance painting is huge and is 67.9 inches tall by 109.6 inches wide. Andy Warhol’s screen print Venus was done is 1984 and has been mass produced all over the country. There are many critiques and analysis for both of these pieces. Also there is a large amount of comparisons between the two, because they are both of the
Friday, May 15, 2020
Chinese Medicine As A Holistic Concept - 1171 Words
Chinese Medicine as a Holistic Concept Western medicine has four different areas: clinical, preventive, rehabilitation and general health care. Western and Chinese medicine each has its own strengths in clinical and preventive medicine. However, Chinese medicine has more advantages in rehabilitation and health care. Not all physicians will agree with the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine or TCM. Even though Chinese medicine is not effective for all illnesses and disease, Chinese medicine should be recognized more around the world because it focuses on holism, maintenance and low-cost therapeutic treatments which will be further discussed in this essay. According to the American Holistic Health Association, the definition of†¦show more content†¦The meridian channel is used to pin point areas of illness in the body. Some of the ingredients include red ginseng, fungus, and Chinese red dates. The herbs are dried well before usage to preserve nutrients, tone down the smell and for storage purposes in antique shelves. These herbs are classified into three categories. First, the herbs are determined hot or cold. Cold herbs such as licorice treat symptoms such as high fever, sore throat and constipation. Warm herbs such as red ginseng treat cold symptoms such as cold hands and feet. Second, the medicines have distinct flavors of sweet, sour, bitter, and pungent. Third, the meridian channel is used to determine where the problems occur in the body as well as help perform action such as lifting. A person’s health may improve from drinking herbal medicine. One example comes from my personal experience. Two years ago, my mother was concerned about my health because of stress, indigestion and problems with sleeping and I was constantly taking anti-acids. I visited the practitioner and he prescribed me individual herbs to help relieve stomach problems, sleeping and providing circulation in my body. The trial was held for two months. The taste was extremely bitter yet palatable at the same time because of the sweet flavors of Chinese Red Dates and other herbs inside which made it easier to drink. After drinking it for a few days, heat stimulated inside my bodyShow MoreRelatedMulticultural Assignment : Han Chinese Culture1094 Words  | 5 PagesMulticultural Assignment Han Chinese is the largest ethnic group not only in China but also worldwide. It is estimated that 1.16 billion people are of Han nationality. Therefore, this means that Han Chinese make up 20% of the world’s population (NCCIH, 2013). As a result, Han Chinese culture has had a significant impact throughout the world and their culture has spread throughout the world particularly in Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, North America and Europe. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay Personality - 1102 Words
Personality just like a lot of things in life is kind of solid and may be hard to specify now and again. The most common definition is the comparatively constant features that are lasting and classifiable which implies it distinguishes people from the crowd. Psychologists that analyze personalities attempt to dissect why people behave differently to contrasting situations so much because how one individual behaves shy when they first encounter a stranger or when a few people are simply natural and funny and be themselves. A lot of scientists consider that this is genetically inscribed and that people do not get a lot of control over this. Some other psychologists conceive that it is the environment that bears a substantial say in the way†¦show more content†¦Sigmund Freud also thinks that dreams contain important motives in behavior. He also thought that personality could be manufactured into levels like an ice berg. The component thats immersed further beneath the water is the id or the subconscious facet. An example would be children since much of the time theyll pursue pleasure without thought of the end result. If everyone had a strong id personality then this would constitute a really alarming place to exist. Everyone would pursue instinctive impulsions rather than following society averages. The ego is good to have as it assists people to recognise reality and help adapt to society norms. For instance, many people recognise that they can not have their sex and hostility levels high and unmanaged, and as they let it go it typically leads to crimes such-as rape for example. Last, the superego also mentioned as the conscious aspect is the ethical decider. It selects what is right and what is wrong. Numerous psychologist did not follow Freud’s unconscious mind hypothesis and a psychologist that was to a great extent against it was Alfred Adler. He thought that people were propelled by intentions and goals to accomplish something in li fe. He likewise considers that everyone bore the power to be well aware of what’s happening in their life and to consciously supervise their daily issues. He also considered that people attempt to compensate for things they do not possess. ForShow MoreRelatedPersonality Evaluation : Personality And Personality Essay1608 Words  | 7 PagesPersonality Evaluation There have been many studies towards the understanding of personality and how it is given to humankind. Personality, described in Experience Psychology, â€Å"is a pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that characterize the way an individual shapes the world†(King, 2016, pg. 375). It is often difficult to reflect on our own personalities without having a strong perception of who we are, or wish to be. Luckily, there are scientists who study and analyzeRead MorePersonality : Personality And Personality Essay2127 Words  | 9 Pages The subject of personality is one that is extremely complex and dynamic. Personality has been defined as the ingrained pattern of behavior, thoughts, and feelings consistent across situations and time. It consists of a mixture of characteristics and qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character. The configuration of an individual’s personality is quite unique because trying to uncover wha t prompts us or inspires us to accumulate the different behaviors and thought processes has yetRead MorePersonality And Theory Of Personality Essay2250 Words  | 9 PagesPersonality Examined Personality is deeply complexing subject that cannot be easily summed up. There is no concrete right answer, or only one way to evaluate any given subject, as every aspect of personality has more than one view point or angle. Famous psychologists such as Freud, Adler, Jung, Erickson, Eysenck, and Skinner all shaped and conducted the research that would come together and be taught to generations as the foundations of personality and the theory of personality. To better understandRead MorePersonality, Personality And Personality Assessment Essay1610 Words  | 7 PagesThroughout organizational development, personality traits are a prominent discussion. Learning what personality is dominant will help me to learn how improve or change myself personally, spiritually and professionally. When an individual learns about their personality they are able to increase their positive interaction with the world, and recognize their weakness which in turns helps to recognize their sinful nature. 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She then explained what the four’s strengths and weaknesses are and how this concept can be useful in the creation of a more positive life. By reading â€Å"Personality Plus†, I was especially able to feel more regular. My temperament, the Melancholy, has a tendencyRead MorePersonality Test Personality740 Words  | 3 PagesTaking a personality test is always interesting, you never know what information you could get about yourself. The personality test I had taken described myself as an adventurer. I didn’t really think of myself as an adventurer, but once I read the description of the results it changed my mind. According to the test results, some of my traits are artistic, unpredictable, and sensitive. The test I had taken was a Jungian personality view, so the letters I was given were ISFP. This test was reliableRead MorePersonality Analysis : Personality And Personality1862 Words  | 8 Pages Personality Analysis Michelle Jose Argosy University June 15, 2015 â€Æ' Personality Analysis Personality is the dynamic organization of characteristics that blend or make a person unique and though in his or her appearance or reasoning. (Weinberg Gould, 1999). According to Eysenck 1966, when he was working in a hospital based in London he was exposed to many different patients. Eysenck’s work led him to develop a very important and well known model of personality in the psychologyRead MorePersonality And Personality Types Of The Istj Personality1376 Words  | 6 PagesThis paper will delineate the specifics of the ISTJ personality and analyze my personality type. Understanding that different people handle situations differently, this paper will discuss personal development mechanisms I must consider in my daily interaction with others. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Birthcontrol And The Work Of Margaret Sanger free essay sample
Essay, Research Paper A free race can non be born and no adult female can name herself free who does non have and command her organic structure. No adult female can name herself free until she can take consciously whether she will or will non be a female parent ( Sanger A 35 ) . Margaret Sanger ( 1870-1966 ) said this in one of her many controversial documents. The name of Margaret Sanger and the issue of birth control have virtually become synonymous. Birth control and the work of Sanger have done a great trade to alter the function of adult female in society, relationships between work forces and adult female, and the household. The development and spread of cognition of birth control gave adult females sexual freedom for the first clip, gave them an single individuality in society and a opportunity to work without fearing they were lending to the moral diminution of society by go forthing kids at place. If birth control and Sanger did so much good to alter the function of adult females in society why was birth control so controversial? Although birth control and other signifiers of preventives did non to the full become legal until the 1960? s they had been developed about 70 old ages earlier in the signifiers the are still prevailing today ( Birth Control in America ) . The modern rubber, or? # 8230 ; gum elastic was invented in 1870, but [ it ] was non the thin latex type? ? that is presently prevalent in our society ( Hoag Levins 2 ) . An early signifier of the birth control pill, which Margaret Sanger advocated, was besides in being in the really late 1800? s ( Birth Control in America ) . Contraception was considered an ethical issue, in that the bulk of Americans believed it was a signifier of abortion and therefor it was considered amoral ( Birth Control in America ) . The Torahs of Sanger # 8217 ; s twenty-four hours? # 8230 ; forced adult females into celibacy on one manus, or abortion on the other ( Sanger B 3 ) . Why did it take so long to distribute and legalise something with the potency to break the lives and life manners of adult females and households in the early 1900? s? It could be partly attributed to the attitude of politicians of the clip. President Theodore Roosevelt said # 8230 ; that the American people would be perpetrating racial self-destruction ( Birth Control in America ) . Roosevelt shared a belief, held by the bulk of politicians at the clip, that households of America should move, as Roosevelt put it retainers of the province ; and should supply Children to construct national strength ( Birth Control in America ) . This feeling in America was at the clip when the industrialisation was at its extremum in the US and get downing to take clasp else where in the universe. This in bend had prompted an weaponries race. There for many states felt kids were an of import portion of constructing a stronger military. National pride to all states was of import. European states were viing for infinite and power do to what Germany called The War of the Cradle ( Birth Control in America ) . This meant the German authorities had begun transfusing national pride and edifice its patriotism from the land up. This was at the threshold of World War One. However, it was non merely for patriotism that the impoverished were encouraged to reproduce. It was because kids meant cheap labour for the new industrial mills that were jumping up all over urban America and the universe. There was besides the ethical statement against birth control that seems to be largely tainted with male pride. It appeared to some people to be # 8230 ; increasing isolation and mobility of the single household ( Birth Control in America ) . It allowed people to command the size of their household therefore commanding their life manner as good. Fewer kids meant less work more money and more clip for adult females. With Margaret Sanger? s work, and birth command the household was reshaped in size from seven or eight kids to what is more common today, which is two to three kids. Birth control has ever been present in society even if it was merely a affair of Backyard abortions, with coat hangers. These could take to fatal complications ( Birth Control in America ) . Birth control was merely safer option offered by the medical universe. There is still a morality issue in abortion but why was it so with a type of birth control that prevented the job alternatively taking attention of a gestation after it had occurred? Possibly this is because there were immense promotions for adult females that could come out of the usage of birth control. However, merely two issues were idea of in earnest during the period of the sexual revolution Harmonizing to Sanger? Birth Control is the first of import measure [ a adult female ] must take towards the end of # 8230 ; [ going ] a adult males equal ( Sanger B 1 ) . The foremost of which was birth control for the first clip offered adult female sexual freedom. It was thought of by the great Sigmund Freud that work forces were the aggressive endocrine goaded existences whereas adult females were pas sive and were to accept their intent ( Birth Control in America ) . Margaret Sanger said about a married adult females holding left ( reproduction ) to [ her hubby ] she is exploited, driven and enslaved # 8230 ; by his sexual desires ; non merely did this do the sexual experiences non pleasant, but the hazard of going pregnant with out the agencies to back up other kids was ever at that place. After all It is she who the long load of transporting, bearing # 8230 ; and caring for? ? unwanted kids # 8230 ; and it is her bosom that will? ? weep and be crushed at the sight of the malnutrition and cryings that come from a kid born into poorness? ? with small to no hope of betterment ( Sanger A 35 ) . However, with birth control came the shifting of sexual intercourse from a giving on the female # 8217 ; s portion and a taking on the males to the construct of sharing in the experience. Women no longer had to conform to the stereotyped name of female parent and married woman. This was great intelligence for adult female across the state, but it was endangering to most work forces. Sanger would reason? # 8230 ; that sex look is the act of two [ and ] the duty of commanding the consequences should non be # 8230 ; ? set wholly on the shoulders of the adult female ( Sanger 35 ) . When sexual intercourse became shared and childbirth became an option the attitude shifted from kid baring to child raising ( Birth control in America ) . The 2nd major issue to originate form birth control during Sanger # 8217 ; s clip was the sense of independency that had entered the kingdom of feminism thanks to the option adult females now had to derive control of their ain organic structures. Women no longer had to # 8230 ; heighten the masculine liquors but to show the feminine ; [ the adult females s ] is non to continue a adult male made want but to make a human universe by the merger of the feminine component into all of its activities ( Sanger A 36 ) . The grow individuality of adult female and the assemblage support for the womens rightist cause can about ever be linked to the new power adult females had found at the tips of their fingers with birth control. A publicity of the feminine spirit as a individual and non as a retainer to her hubby could be seen in all of Sanger # 8217 ; s Hagiographas on why the pattern of birth control ? # 8230 ; though prudent # 8230 ; ? was so of import in making? # 8230 ; higher individualism # 8230 ; ? for adult females ( Sanger B 3 ) Another of import points which developed from spread cognition and usage of birth control was it gave adult females the ability to work with out go forthing kids at place. Peoples felt these kids would turn up? # 8230 ; motherless, fatherless, and moral-less # 8230 ; ? with no ego awareness merely to go ? # 8230 ; the following calamity of civilisation # 8230 ; ? ( Sanger C 3 ) ( Birth Control in America ) .A study done on New York City between the old ages of 1908 and 1910 showed? ? 48,420 small babies under one twelvemonth of age and 72,926 kids under five? ? had died ( Sanger C 3 ) . A adult female would work, hold kids to come place excessively, and so come place to a hubby with his ain wants and demands ( Sanger A 35 ) . That is what would go on in the big industrial households. The impoverished in bend became the ill-educated ( Mrs. Meehan ) . This in bend that the cognition of the manner one? s organic structure worked and the wear and tear of inordinate kid baring on one # 8217 ; s organic structure could non make these people ( Birth Control in America ) . Therefore, the rhythm of ignorance would get down once more. Yet with an optional away for adult females to command # 8230 ; for themselves whether they shall go female parents, under what conditions and when # 8230 ; would forestall unwanted kids and go # 8230 ; the key to the temple of autonomy for adult females in America ( Sanger ) . It is true that birth control may non hold been the exclusive factor in the adult females # 8217 ; s motion and freedom of ego, but without this cardinal component the battle would hold been longer and harder. Birth control changed household size and construction. It gave adult females a new sexual freedom with their ain organic structure. It gave adult females a voice and their ain individuality, which in bend allowed them to hold an individuality that separates from their partners. Birth control helped switch somewhat the balance of power from merely being masculine to shared between the sexes. Margaret did so much to convey the issue of birth control and its benefits in to the for font in her clip. Her Hagiographas and actions better the lives of adult females in America so, and today more so of all time. Margaret Sanger wrote the adult female # 8230 ; must emerge from her ignorance and presume her duty # 8230 ; of her ain organic structure and # 8230 ; the first measure is Birth Control. Through Birth Control [ the adult female ] will achieve voluntary maternity. Having attained this, the basic freedom of her sex, [ the adult female ] will discontinue to enslave herself? [ the adult female ] will non halt at piecing up the universe ; she will refashion it ( Sanger A 36 ) .
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