Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Problem Of Climate Change - 1075 Words
There are millions of planets that has the possibility to sustain life on a planet, but not a single one we know of like earth. fermi paradox says there are things called life barriers and there are certain barriers that have â€Å"filters†. filters only let the smartest lifeforms through them if they are real. They state electricity and earth or ourselves evolution are huge barriers that was destroyed. If an asteroid hit the earth or nuclear warfare happens it is a huge reason we have lost. According to the fermi paradox we either pass this wall (barrier) or not. I have my conclusion of why we will fail, it is because humans are selfish, hard headed, fool mined incompetent beings. Climate change is the barrier that we don t really have any research on. El ninos and la ninas are the cause. To know El Nià ±o, you need to know the intercoarse between the ocean and the atmosphere. Warm ocean surface water currents heats and adds moistness to the air above it, forming a low press ure system. Cool surface water cools the air above it, forming a high pressure system . In a Low, the warm, moist air produces tropical thunderstorms. In a High, cool, parched air sinks back to the surface and there is no precipitation. Together, the High and Low create a circulation pattern in which surface winds blow toward the Low and higher-level winds rushes toward the High. An El nino come from the spanish word little boy. It was found by fisherman by the coast of south america in the 1600sShow MoreRelatedThe Problem Of Climate Change1438 Words  | 6 Pagessplash in the water. However, there is one problem, an action such as driving to the beach front will almost certainly contribute to the destructive effects of climate change. Due to this claim, is it then morally obligatory to not go on this Sunday morning drive in an effort to prevent greenhouse gas emissions? This is the question I would like to address. Each day individuals commit actions of miniscule value that arguably contribute to climate change. Driving a car on a Sunday morning is justRead MoreThe Problem Of Climate Change1745 Words  | 7 Pagesaltered by humans, including the climate. Climate change is becoming one of the fastest growing problems that the world is facing. Once one thing changes, it causes a ripple effect creating complications for Earth and everything that is part of Earth. If this problem is not fixed soon, the Earth as we know it will be forever changed. One of the biggest problems about the topic of climate change is that people do not understand the meaning of climate change or what problems that it can cause if it is untreatedRead MoreThe Problem Of Climate Change904 Words  | 4 PagesClimate Change Have you ever wonder that what is our true enemy of the earth? Would what people had done will be alright? If we look at the world crisis now a day, people might know that everywhere around the world the number one problem probably be climate change. In the past, one thousand the world we live never change so much. But what happened is in 5 years we have seen something that is quite difficult to be seen such as earthquake, flood, and hurricane. There is the anger of nature that isRead MoreThe Problem Of Climate Change1188 Words  | 5 Pagesis involved with the climate change in California? Humans, corporations, electricity generators, petroleum refineries facilities, oil and gas production, hydrogen plants, and cogeneration. What part of the country is exactly doing the most damage? Long Beach - Los Angeles, CA. How many people are affected, according to official records? People who are residences in California, are the one who are most affected. Mostly the general people, who i s in the radius of climate change. For example SacramentoRead MoreClimate Change Is A Serious Problem1123 Words  | 5 PagesClimate Change is a Serious Problem to the Planet â€Å"Climate change is happening, humans are causing it, and I think it is perhaps the most serious environmental issue facing us.†This quote from Bill Nye illustrates the serious nature of climate change. Climate change is the most serious issue that is plaguing the world. Global temperatures have been increasing in recent years and it is clear that our climate is changing. Climate change is the change of temperature and weather in our environmentRead MoreClimate Change Is A Serious Problem1028 Words  | 5 PagesHumans will destroy the earth if no one acts. Climate change is a serious problem that has been around for decades. The 21st century is special because of the technology and information available. Yet, people continue to ignore the overwhelming destruction happening to nature. Through many years, masses have begun to take responsibility and restore the planet. In time, the earth might be what it once was. Climate change began in the 1820s with Joseph Fourier and in the 1860s with John Tyndall. FourierRead MoreClimate Change Is Real And A Problem Essay1229 Words  | 5 PagesThe issue is simple and rather obvious; climate change is real and a problem. With a changing climate comes rising sea levels, hotter days, and stronger and wilder storms, and long painful droughts. What most people can’t seem to agree on is whether or not human activity is playing some role in it. From media outlets to internet forums, the debate is being fought on all fronts. Most of these arguments, however, are just personal opinions and poorly-made observations from the comfort of a gas-guzzlingRead MoreProblems Associated With Climate Change1053 Words  | 5 Pages1. What is this report about? It considers threats and impacts associated with climate change could be reduced and handled through mitigation and adaptation. The report evaluates resilience, choices, opportunities, constraints, needs, limits, as well as other features connected with adaptation. Climate change requires shifting probabilities of impacts that are varied with complicated interactions. A focus on danger, which will be not old in this report, complements other aspects of the report andRead MoreClimate Change Is An Ongoing Problem1569 Words  | 7 PagesClimate change is an ongoing problem in our world. There are many health effects, shortage of resources due to energy use, and perhaps more importantly, the detrimental and in some cases irreversible environmental impacts. The climate does change due to natural forces, however; human impacts are the cause of such dramatic change. â€Å"Unless greenhouse gas emissions are severely reduced, climate change could cause a quarter of land animals, birdlife and plants to become extinct†(Weather InformationRead MoreClimate Change Is A Global Problem Essay1336 Words  | 6 PagesAnthropogenic climate change is often considered to be greatest threat currently posed on the world. Climate change fits into the public goods framework in terms of both mitigation and adaptation policy (Boyer 2013). Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced by human activity are heavily impacting the climate, and thus creating externalities that are impacting the globe, such as rising global temperatures, increasing extreme weather incidents, and changing weather patterns. These externalities are
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